Slovakia – The Crossroad

Slovakia – The Crossroad

With our events you can taste the history of Slovakia. Slovakia located in the hearth of Europe was on the crossroads of the old trade routes that influenced our gastronomy. Some of the famous trade routes that used to pass through our country were the JANTÁROVÁ CESTA (south to north) and the SILK ROAD (from the Far East). During our tasting events you will experience our history in its modern form made with good quality local ingredients.
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Slovak wine-growing tradition

With us you can explore rural vineyards and wine cellars of the wine-growing regions of Hont and Novohrad in the Central Slovakia. We will also visit the town of Pukanec, that belongs to the Nitra wine area – Tekov historical region. This is the best place to visit the original tuff wine cellars. These cellars were carved into tuff stone – a type of rock made of volcanic ash. You will be introduced to the wine-growing traditions of each of the Slovakia’s six wine regions. Each of them has its own peculiarities.

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